Tiny Montgomery

1Well, you can tell everybody down in old Frisco,
Tell 'em Tiny Montgomery says hello.

Now, every boy and girl's gonna get their bang
'Cause Tiny Montgomery's gonna shake that thing.
Tell 'em––everybody down in old Frisco
That Tiny Montgomery's coming down to say hello.

Skinny Moo and T-Bone Frank,
They're all gonna take on down by the bounded bank.
One bird-book and a buzzard and a crow,
Tell 'em all that Tiny's gonna say hello.

Scratch your dad, do that bird,
Suck that pig and bring it on home.
Pink that dream and nose that dough,
Tell 'em all that Tiny says hello.

Now, he's a king of the drunk and he squeezes, too,
Watch out, Lester, take it, Blue,
Join the monk, C.I.O.,
Tell 'em all that Tiny Montgomery says hello.

Now, grease that gig and play it blank,
Hang on and go on out and gas that dog,
Trick on in, flower that smoll,
Take it on down to give me grow.
Now, play that low and pick it up,
Take it on in in a bowl-cup.
Three-legged man and a hot-lipped hoe,
Tell 'em all Montgomery says hello.

Well, you can tell everybody down in old Frisco,
Tell 'em all that Montgomery says hello.

1 Like "Apple Suckling Tree", this recording is very difficult to transcribe and there are many instances where I think that Dylan is just singing sounds. But, unlike "Apple Suckling Tree", "Tiny Montgomery" has a direction and a theme and it does not seem like the lyrics are being made up as the song goes along, even if some of the specific words are not finished yet. It's almost like this recording represents a stage in the creative process that is one or two steps past the stage that "Apple Suckling Tree" was at when it was recorded, so this transcription is meant to represent not merely the bare outline of the song, as "Apple Suckling Tree" does, but rather an almost complete song. Therefore, there are places in the lyrics where a transcription is practically impossible. In those cases, I will provide notes or at least italicize the lyrics in question to set them apart from the rest of the song.